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Where healing starts...


The Osteopath who succeeds best does so because he looks to Nature for knowledge and obeys her teachings...


Dr. AT Still, Founder of Osteopathy


Meet A.J. ,

A.J. has an extensive background and education in Fitness and Manual therapy. Before working in Healthcare, A.J. worked as a Technician. Manual Osteopaths look at the human body as a well-designed machine and understand all parts are interdependent, making a technical background a tremendous asset in the field of Osteopathy. 


During his Osteopathic studies (and prior to), he worked as personal trainer and strength coach at Fitt gym. He recently graduated after 4.5 years with a Masters of Practice in Osteopathic Manipulative Sciences (M.OMSc), completed at the CAO in Hamilton in November 2022.


He is now a member in good standing with OSTCAN, and the Ontario Osteopathic Association. Osteopathy Canada (OSTCAN) represents provincial Osteopathic associations and its members. OSTCAN adheres to the highest international standards in osteopathic education (type one) and professionalism, and is the leading Association in Canada. 


A.J now accepts and is looking forward to seeing new patients for Manual Osteopathic care and has a billing number for those patients with benefits. OSTCAN is recognized by all major insurance companies.

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A.J. Schat, M. OMSc - Clinic Owner

Osteopathic Manual Practitioner

Osteopathy and its benefits

Osteopathy is a system of manual therapy that aims to improve health by treating the body as a whole. It was developed in the late 18th century in the United States by physician Andrew Taylor Still. The central principle of osteopathy is that the health of an individual depends on the proper functioning of their musculoskeletal system and that it can have a direct impact on the functioning of other systems in the body. Treatment is always based on proper assessment and palpatory (osteopathic) diagnosis. Manual Osteopaths use gentle manipulative techniques, soft tissue releases, and fluid pumping techniques, with the goal to improve the drainage and supply of blood, improve nerve action and lymphatic flow.   Practitioners of osteopathy treat the patients, not the disease, by identifying and focusing on the root cause of the problem. The goal is to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and support the body's natural ability to heal itself. 

I started seeing AJ just over a week ago due to chronic pain and fatigue. After just two appointments I feel energized, and am so grateful for his compassion and skill as an osteopath. Looking forward to better and better days ahead"

Wendy G.

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